Nick's SEO World Newsletter
FREE Search Engine Optimization and Marketing FOR YOU
Nick Hunter
Veteran SEO and Internet Marketing Consultant
Hello to my friends, colleagues, website visitors, partners, clients and Internet independents who signed up for my newsletter! This is Nick Hunter from Nick's SEO World
For those who I have not spoken to, met or communicated with before - allow me to introduce myself. I am a 15 year multiple website owner and search engine marketing consultant specializing in Search Engine Optimization, Google, adwords, blogs, articles and most areas of online promotion. I provide this completely free and straightforward newsletter specifically geared to enhance your knowledge of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Internet marketing to get more visitors to your website and earn you more business and much more exposure. To beat your competitors. Trust me when I say - you WILL learn something with every Email Letter I send. You do not even need to own a website to be helped. Just promoting yourself, a friend or the company you work for. Maybe you want to start your own new business one day!
Getting exposure for yourself or your company can easily happen on the Internet if you know how to do it. Writing an article (on the right article site) and having it appear on Google's free listing for instance for YEARS! YES - I said "years"....or marketing other people's products and much more. This email SEO Newsletter will not have any filler information or take up space with photos or multiple sections. THIS will be 100% Straight talk that will cover MANY topics. Whatever I feel passionate about or is an important concern to most - I will write about. I will also listen to YOU on what future topics to hit. We will talk articles, choosing keywords for your website or how to research them, ebay, affiliate reselling and a lot more! and you do not have to be a computer programmer but if you want to add your webmaster or web designer - have them sign up too. One of the biggest mistakes I see is designers building sites that are completely UN-SEO Friendly! What a shame! But most can be fixed.
Other Experts
I will have occasional affiliate partner products on here from the best Internet marketers in the world. They will be products or services that I have either used or seen firsthand. (Blogging, affiliating, social marketing and more) Visit and learn from them if you choose. Just know - most of them are VERY impressive and developed by people who are even smarter than me lol (on some things). Seriously, there are some incredible online marketers out there and I have been lucky enough to have learned from them or worked with them. I am looking to bring their knowledge to you as well.
This will be a VERY special and informative periodical. Today's letter is more of a notification and introduction to the new people. Look for your full edition next week. Please do not reply to this email.
"Hey Nick - is that it on this one?" "How about a good tip and lesson right now?"
Ok - you got it! This was more of an intro and Future SEO Newsletter topics will all be about the topic at hand and a link to a blog where we can follow up. But here's one:
BRIEF TOPIC TODAY (but important!)
How to get a page you created or edited for your website read and ranked by Google fast!
When you are adding a new page to your website or editing content - there is a way to force Google to read it that the same day. There are many popular websites out there that Google updates every day - if not every hour sometimes. Sites like Facebook, Craig's List, Backpage. Your site is naturally not as popular, so Google may not read it for a week or more. The easiest way to beat this is to create a free ad on or craig's list - just to pick 2. These are the most popular free ad sites. Write a little ad about your website in the services section and put a link to the page you just edited or added. I prefer Backpage because your ad will normally stay active longer - 30 days. When Google updates the site you placed your ad on - the search engine will follow all the links and update them - including yours now! Link to the new page - not just your home page. Although your whole site will be re-read again also, which is great!
Make sure you title the page right also! (but that's for another day)! This can work for any new content including an article, resume or anything else you want and even if the content is on another website. Write the ad more than 4 sentences with keywords and Google may even index your ad on THEIR search results too!
I will expand on this more soon. More tutorials to come....Much more! and more lengthy.
Feel free to pass along the word to people who could find this helpful and sign up. Actually - they should do it soon. I may have to charge for this one day! :) If you are getting this email - then you are on the list already. I hope you choose to stay and allow me to help bring you great ideas, techniques, profit and success online in 2010 and beyond! Save my past issues in an email folder. You never know when you need to refer to one!
Featured Affiliate Product:
Blogging To The Bank Course - I learned a lot regarding Blogging Promotion from here if that is your interest. Close the email pop up and you can just listen and read.
Thank You
Talk to you next time!
And feel free to comment here on this blog regarding this topic and future topics.
Nick Hunter
Search Engine Marketing Consultant
Free SEO Newsletter